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9 January 2021

Fixing aliasing / flickering widgets in UE4


Enable bAutoGenerateMips for the RenderTarget of the UWidgetComponent and set its Filter to TF_Trilinear.

Call RenderTarget->UpdateResourceImmediate(false) after every update of the widget.

In the widget material, change the Sampler Source for SlateUI to From texture asset or enable trilinear / aniso-linear filtering for TEXTUREGROUP_World.

If you are in 4.26 with Android Vulkan, disable GENMIPS_SWIZZLE

It is available as a plugin at https://github.com/hollowdilnik/filtered-widget

UMG is great for UI widgets. However, UWidgetComponent​s that display these widgets in the world do not look good, especially in VR. They are rendered at their designed resolution with no filtering, resulting in extreme aliasing and flickering. This can be fixed by generating mipmaps and filtering, but enabling it in UE4 is non-trivial (why is it not a single checkbox?).

This note is mostly targeted towards VR and Oculus Quest headsets, but is still relevant to other devices and applications that use UWidgetComponent​s.

Generating mipmaps for UMG widgets

The render target is created inside UWidgetComponent::UpdateRenderTarget. Right after its creation is the right place to setup the render target parameters:

RenderTarget->bAutoGenerateMips = true;
RenderTarget->Filter = TF_Trilinear;

The simplest way to do it is to override this function in a child class, copy its implementation and add the setup there. Further, you can expose these parameters to blueprints, making the original UWidgetComponent completely obsolete. Exposing RenderTarget->LODGroup is also a good idea in case you want to setup filtering in texture groups instead.

Changing these parameters in a different place (or during the object lifetime) is messy. With the current implementation of render targets, the number of mips is not updated after changing bAutoGenerateMips, so you’d need to create a new render target object. You would also need to update the SlateUI parameter of the material instance if you change the render target.

Simply setting bAutoGenerateMips = true is not enough! While the render target will be updated by the widget component, the mips would not be regenerated. We need to trigger mip generation manually after each update of the widget.

The widget is drawn to the render target inside the UWidgetComponent::DrawWidgetToRenderTarget method. We just need to call UpdateResourceImmediate here in order to regenerate mips:

void UFilteredWidgetComponent::DrawWidgetToRenderTarget(float DeltaTime)
	if (RenderTarget && RenderTarget->bAutoGenerateMips)

I am not 100% confident this is the right place to call it, because drawing widgets and regenerating mips are async operations. However, I believe that both will be executed on the same rendering thread, and as long as UpdateResourceImmediate is called after DrawWidgetToRenderTarget, mipmap generation should execute after the widget is drawn to the render target. Although this approach has worked fine for me, I don’t have much knowledge of UE4 rendering pipeline, so please correct me if I am wrong here.

Finally, make sure to add "Slate" to the PublicDependencyModuleNames in your .Build.cs file, because the source code of UWidgetComponent::UpdateRenderTarget depends on it.

Enabling filtering

These modifications of UpdateRenderTarget and DrawWidgetToRenderTarget are enough to enable mipmapping and filtering of the render target. However, filtering would only work if the material is set up correctly. The default widget material (​Widget3DPassThrough​) uses a shared sampler for the SlateUI texture (​Sampler Source is set to Shared: Clamp​). This would override the filtering settings we set up before, and would use default filtering from TEXTUREGROUP_World. Unless you want to change the default filtering for the whole project to trilinear / aniso-linear, set the Sampler Source to From texture asset.


Performance: this approach can get pretty heavy. Generating mipmaps for fifteen 1k render targets costs me about 9ms on Oculus Quest 2 (0.6ms per widget). Updating one widget every frame is probably fine if it is really needed, but anything more than that can quickly become too expensive. If you need to update a lot of widgets, you should probably spread out the updates across multiple frames. A couple of widgets with manual redraw are not going to be a big deal though.

Unreal Engine version: Currently I use UE 4.26.2 from the launcher. I did not check if these modifications work the same way in other engine versions. Even if they are broken, it should be straightforward to do something similar in other engine versions.

Blend Mode: This approach works great with opaque, translucent, additive and AlphaComposite materials. However, masked materials do not look great; the opacity mask gets messed up by filtering. It might be possible to do some shader magic to make masked materials look good, but it is out of scope of this note.

Getting swizzled: There is a feature in UE 4.26 that generously swaps R and B channels after every step of mipmap generation. If this causes problems, replace this line in the mipmap generation shader with MipOutUAV[DT_ID.xy] = outColor;. Apparently it was introduced at some point to counteract R and B channels being swapped by Vulkan, but is no longer needed and, ironically, causes R and B channels to get swapped. This got fixed in UE 4.27.

GENMIPS_SRGB in UE 4.27: UE 4.27 no longer swizzles your mips, which is great news. However, life would be too simple if you didn’t have to modify your shader code again, so another generous feature was added. UE 4.27 overrides GENMIPS_SRGB on Android Vulkan and forces it to false. This causes the mips to be wrong on Oculus Quest devices, and the easiest way to fix that is to ignore GENMIPS_SRGB in the shader code, just like we did with GENMIPS_SWIZZLE in UE 4.26.

Possible extensions

Not sure if it is worth it, but it might be possible to gain additional performance by limiting the number of mips generated for the render target. It would, however, require some modification of the engine code since neither NumMips nor GetNumMips() can be set / overridden in child classes.

Also, mipmap generation on Oculus Quest currently uses compute shaders instead of glGenerateMipmap or vkCmdBlitImage, but I have no idea if using them would be faster than compute shaders or whether it is even possible on Quest.

  1. A shorter writeup on generating mipmaps for render targets in UE4 https://alanedwardes.com/blog/posts/generating-mipmaps-for-render-textures-ue4/
  2. Oculus blog post discussing aliasing in textures with a lot of relevant tips https://developer.oculus.com/blog/common-rendering-mistakes-how-to-find-them-and-how-to-fix-them/
  3. Docs on texture groups, including filtering parameters https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/RenderingAndGraphics/Textures/SupportAndSettings/
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